Oklahoma Board of Nursing
2501 N. Lincoln Bou
levard, Suite 207
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 962-1800
Application Fee - $85.00
Use this application if:
You are a Certified Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, or Certified Nurse
Midwife applying for prescriptive authority in Oklahoma; and
You have not held prescriptive authority recognition previously in Oklahoma.
referenced can be found in the Forms/Applications area on the Board’s website
located at this link:
The Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act requires current licensure as a Registered Nurse
either through an Oklahoma single state RN license or an active multistate RN license from
another Compact state with Oklahoma multistate licensure privilege AND as an Advanced
Practice Registered Nurse with prescriptive authority recognition from the Oklahoma Board of
Nursing prior to prescribing or ordering drugs or medical supplies or identifying oneself as an
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with prescriptive authority recognition.
o Please note that prescriptive authority recognition is specific to the advanced
practice role (CNP, CNS, or CNM) and the specialty certification for which the
APRN is licensed in Oklahoma. An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with more
than one advanced practice license or specialty certification must hold separate
prescriptive authority recognition for each advanced practice license or specialty
Licensure and Advanced Practice Requirements: Approval for prescriptive authority requires
current Registered Nurse licensure with an Oklahoma single state RN license or an active
multistate RN license from another Compact state with multistate privileges and Oklahoma
licensure as a Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP), Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), or Clinical
Nurse Specialist (CNS). The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse must hold a graduate degree at
an advanced practice level, or a post-master’s certificate at an advanced practice level if the
master’s degree is in nursing, in order to be eligible for initial application for prescriptive
Please note that you will only be able to submit an application for authority once your
APRN license has been granted.
Educational Preparation: Prescriptive authority recognition may be granted to the applicant
who holds current prescriptive authority in the same role in another state or territory and wishes
to endorse that recognition/licensure into Oklahoma and to the applicant who has never held
prescriptive authority recognition in another state or territory and is applying for initial
recognition. Please review the two options below and act accordingly.
1) The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse applying for endorsement of prescriptive
authority recognition into Oklahoma may be issued prescriptive authority recognition
provided the applicant submits documentation verifying successful completion of a
graduate level advanced practice registered nursing education program that included an
academic course in pharmacotherapeutic management, and didactic and clinical
preparation for prescribing incorporated throughout the program
2) The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse who has never been granted prescriptive
authority recognition in another state or territory and is applying for initial prescriptive
authority recognition must:
a. have completed an advanced practice registered nursing education program that
included an academic course in pharmacotherapeutic management and didactic
and clinical preparation for prescribing incorporated throughout the program.
b. submit documentation verifying completion of 45 contact hours of Category B
continuing education or three academic credit hours of education (Category A)
within the last three years immediately preceding the date of receipt of the
application for prescriptive authority, in a course or courses in
pharmacotherapeutic management that targets Advanced Practice Registered
Nurses or individuals enrolled in an advanced practice registered nursing
education program and/or other authorized prescribers. The three year time
period may be waived if the applicant has graduated from the advanced practice
education program within a time period of three years immediately preceding the
date of the application for prescriptive authority and submits evidence that
didactic and clinical preparation for prescribing was incorporated throughout the
1. Continuing education equivalencies used are as follows:
One Contact Hour = 50 Minutes
One Academic Semester Hour = 15 Contact Hours
One Academic Quarter Hour = 12.5 Contact Hours
2. Category A education consists of academic credit hours at the advanced
practice level earned in a college or university.
3. Category B continuing education is defined in the Rules of the Oklahoma
Board of Nursing [OAC 485: 10-16-1] as follows:
i) Onsite Seminar or lecture or workshop or course approved for
contact hours, continuing education units or continuing medical
education units through a recognized approver of continuing
education; or
ii) Online continuing education for initial applications must be
approved through a recognized approver of continuing education,
and includes a minimum of thirty hours obtained from a single
provider that is faculty-directed, with processes for interaction of
the participant with faculty, evaluating the participant's learning
through successful completion of case studies or written
assignments and a comprehensive examination using a mechanism
to ensure security of the evaluation process.
4. Please note that only education earned in Category A or Category B can be
used to establish eligibility for initial prescriptive authority recognition.
Additional Requirements for Endorsement of prescriptive authority recognition from
another state:
In addition to meeting other requirements for endorsement established by the Board in the Rules,
the applicant for endorsement of prescriptive authority recognition must demonstrate either of
the following requirements within the last two (2) years prior to receipt of the completed
application in the Board office:
(A) Employment in a position that requires APRN prescriptive authority licensure or
recognition with verification of at least 520 work hours; or
(B) Documentation approved by the Board, verifying a minimum of fifteen (15)
contact hours or one academic credit hour of education or the equivalent in
pharmacotherapeutics and clinical application of use of pharmacological agents in
the prevention of illness and in the restoration and maintenance of health, in a
program approved by the Board that is more advanced than basic registered nurse
preparation and that is applicable to the scope of practice and specialty
Supervision by a Physician: The applicant for prescriptive authority recognition must document
(through submission of an Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive
Authority form) supervision by a physician licensed to practice in Oklahoma by the State Board
of Medical Licensure and Supervision or the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners. Supervision
of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with prescriptive authority means “overseeing and
accepting responsibility for the ordering and transmission by a Certified Nurse Practitioner, a
Clinical Nurse Specialist, or a Certified Nurse Midwife of written, telephonic, electronic or oral
prescriptions for drugs and other medical supplies, subject to a defined formulary [59 O.S. §
Veterans Affairs facility, please see “Instructions for Completion of the Application”,
#6A and #6B.
DEA Registration: The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with prescriptive authority who
prescribes Schedule III-V drugs will comply with state and Federal Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) and Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drug (OBNDD)
requirements prior to prescribing controlled substances. Even after receiving DEA and
OBNDD registration, the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse may not prescribe Schedule I or II
drugs. Schedule III-V drugs may be prescribed for no more than a 30 day supply.
Use of Formulary: The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with prescriptive authority
recognition must refer to the Exclusionary Formulary for Advanced Practice Nurses with
Prescriptive Authority (#P-50B) to identify medications that may NOT be prescribed or ordered.
The current Exclusionary Formulary may be reviewed at:
Renewal Requirements: Prescriptive authority must be renewed concurrently with Oklahoma
Registered Nurse and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse renewals OR concurrent with the
APRN-only Oklahoma license expiration date in even-numbered years.
o If you are applying for prescriptive authority recognition within 90 days prior to the
expiration date of your Oklahoma RN/APRN license or your Oklahoma APRN-only
license, you must renew your license prior to the date the prescriptive authority
recognition is granted. The APRN with prescriptive authority must meet established
requirements for continuing education to be eligible for renewal. Please see the
Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act and Rules for renewal requirements.
Review of criminal charges, disciplinary action, or judicial declaration of incompetence:
State law (59 O.S. § 567.18.B.) requires each applicant for licensure to have a fingerprint-based
background check completed not more than ninety (90) days old at the time of submission of the
application for licensure. The background check consists of fingerprint-based searches of the
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Criminal History Record Information databases and name index searches of computerized
databases containing criminal history records. Please read the Privacy Act Statement and
Applicant Notification found in the Appendix to this set of instructions. Please see the
“Instructions” section for further information on obtaining a fingerprint-based background check.
In addition to the background check, applicants for licensure are required to notify the Oklahoma
Board of Nursing, in writing, specific information related to criminal charges and/or convictions,
investigations, disciplinary actions, and/or judicial declaration of mental competence. A “report
in writing” means that the applicant/licensee provided a description stating in his/her own words
the date, location, and circumstances of the incident, and if applicable, the resulting action taken
by the court, agency, or disciplinary board. The report should be in the form of a statement in
the provided space on the application. Certified court records or a board order, as applicable,
must be uploaded during the application process. A verbal report does not constitute a “report in
writing”. A written report not accompanied by a full set of certified court records or the board
order(s) does not constitute a “report in writing”. Failure to report such action is a violation of
the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act.
1. Completion of application: The application should be completed and submitted online
on the Board’s website via your Nurse Portal account.
You must complete all sections of the application using your name as it appears on
your nursing license.
You must provide a Social Security number on the application. This information is
mandatory, pursuant to 56 O.S. § 240.21A.
2. Criminal Charges, Disciplinary Action, or Judicial Declaration of Mental
Incompetence: If you answer yes” to the criminal charge, discipline, or competency
questions on the application, you must submit a statement on the application form,
describing the date, location and circumstances of the incident, and the resulting action
taken by the court or disciplinary board. In addition, you will be required to upload
certified copies of identified documents. If you have more than one incident you are
reporting, you must speak to every case/charge that has been filed.
1. Have you ever had disciplinary action taken against a nursing license, recognition,
certificate, or privilege to practice; any professional or occupational license,
recognition, or certificate; and/or any application for a nursing or professional or
occupational license, recognition, or certificate in any state, territory or country not
previously reported in writing to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing?”
a. If you answered yes”, you must type in the space available a statement
describing the date, location, and circumstances of the incident(s), and, if
applicable, the resulting action(s) taken by the disciplinary board.
b. If you are reporting more than one incident, you must describe every case that has
been filed.
c. You will need to upload certified copies of the charges/complaints, findings of
fact, and orders from the licensing agency.
2. Is there currently any investigation of your nursing license, recognition, certificate, or
privilege to practice; and/or any professional or occupational license, recognition, or
certificate; and/or any application for a nursing and/or professional or occupational
license, recognition, or certificate in any state, territory or country not previously
reported in writing to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing?
a. If you answered yes”, you must type in the space available a statement
describing the date, location, and circumstances of the incident(s), and, if
applicable, the resulting action(s) taken by the disciplinary board.
b. If you are reporting more than one incident, you must describe every case that has
been filed.
3. Have you been charged and/or convicted in any criminal offense not previously
reported in writing to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing, including those pending
appeal? (You may exclude minor traffic violations, but must report all DUI/DWI
charges and/or DUI/DWI convictions)
Check all that apply:
[ ] been convicted of a misdemeanor?
[ ] been convicted of a felony?
[ ] pled nolo contendre, no contest, or guilty?
[ ] received deferred adjudication, to include but not limited to deferred
prosecution agreement?
[ ] been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or
not adjudicated guilt?
[ ] been sentenced to serve jail or prison time? Court-ordered confinement?
[ ] been granted pre-trial diversion, to include but not limited to Drug Court?
[ ] have any pending criminal charges?
[ ] have any pending violation of the law?
[ ] been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of
military judgment/punishment/action?
[ ] No, none of the above applies.
NOTE: Expunged and Sealed Offenses: While expunged or sealed offense, arrests, tickets, or
citations need not be disclosed, it is your responsibility to ensure the offense, arrest, ticket
or citation has, in fact, been expunged or sealed. It is recommended that you submit a
copy of the Court Order expunging or sealing the record in question to our office with
your application. Non-disclosure of relevant offenses raises questions related to
truthfulness and character.
If you checked any of the above (except “No, none of the above applies”):
a. If you answered yes”, you must type in the space available a statement describing
the date, location, and circumstances of the incident(s), and, if applicable, the
resulting action(s) taken by the court.
b. If you are reporting more than one incident, you must describe every case that has
been filed.
c. You will need to upload certified copies of Court Records to include the Information
Sheet, Incident Report, Complaint, and/or Charges; Affidavit of Probable Cause;
Judgment and Sentence; and verification of completion of the Judgment and
Sentence. The Court Records must be obtained from the Court(s) in which the
offense(s) occurred.
4. Have you ever been judicially declared incompetent in any state, territory or country not
previously reported in writing to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing?
a. If you answered yes”, you must type in the space available a statement describing
the date, location, and circumstances of the incident(s), and, if applicable, the
resulting action(s) taken by the court or agency. If you are reporting more than one
incident, you must describe every case that has been filed.
b. You will need to upload a certified copy of the Court Order.
3. Evaluation of Advanced Practice Credentials: Please complete the section on
educational credentials accurately and completely. You must request that an official
transcript with verification of a master’s degree or higher in a clinical nurse
specialty be submitted, unless the official transcript was previously submitted for
advanced practice licensure.
a. If your advanced practice education was in a post-master’s certificate program, you
must submit an official transcript with your master’s degree in nursing.
b. If the transcript does NOT verify an APRN role and specialty were conferred,
additional information may be requested.
4. Evaluation of Educational Preparation for Prescriptive Authority Recognition: If you
are applying for endorsement of your prescriptive authority recognition, please have an
official transcript submitted to this office, if one is not already submitted, verifying
successful completion of a graduate level advanced practice registered nursing education
program that included an academic course in pharmacotherapeutic management, and
didactic and clinical preparation for prescribing incorporated throughout the program.
If you are applying for initial recognition, please submit documentation to verify three
academic credit hours (Category A) of education or the equivalent, in a course or courses
in pharmacotherapeutic management that targets Advanced Practice Registered Nurses or
individuals enrolled in an advanced practice registered nursing education program and/or
other authorized prescribers completed within the last three (3) years of submission of
this application OR 45 contact hours of Category B continuing education completed
within the last three (3) years prior to submission of this application.
Initial Prescriptive
CATEGORY A: Academic Credit: Evidence of completion of coursework in
pharmacotherapeutics appropriate for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses.
Up to 100%
(3 credit hours)
(i) Onsite seminar, lecture, workshop, or course, approved for contact hours,
continuing education units, or continuing medical education units by a recognized
approver of continuing education. Evidence of attendance at an approved
pharmacotherapeutic offering appropriate for advanced practice nurses; (ii) Online
continuing education for initial applications must be approved through a recognized
approver of continuing education, and includes a minimum of thirty hours obtained
from a single provider that is faculty-directed, with processes for interaction of the
participant with faculty, evaluating the participant's learning through successful
completion of case studies or written assignments and a comprehensive
examination using a mechanism to ensure security of the evaluation process. .
Up to 100%
(45 contact hours)
For Category A education: cause submission of an official transcript and the course
description from an institution of higher learning.
For Category B education: upload copies of certificates of completion (verifying date of
completion, target audience, name of course, name of licensee, number of contact hours, and
name of the recognized approver of continuing education) and course objectives verifying a
minimum of 45 contact hours of onsite continuing education. Please note that online continuing
education contact hours can be used only if they fulfill the requirements of Category B ii
education. Please ensure these requirements are met before enrolling in and/or submitting
online continuing education.
5. Additional Requirements for Endorsement of prescriptive authority recognition
from another state:
(A) If you chose Category A from above, please upload evidence of current
prescriptive authority recognition in another state or territory and an Employment
Verification Form verifying at least 520 or more hours worked in a position
requiring your APRN prescriptive authority signed by your employer. Please
ensure it is obvious that prescriptive authority was required.
(B) If you chose Category B from above, please upload evidence of completion of at
least 15 contact hours or one academic credit hour according to the table below:
Up to 100%
(1 credit hour)
Up to 100%
(15 contact hours)
Up to 100%
(15contact hours)
Up to 20%
(3 contact hours)
Up to 20%
(3 contact hours)
6. Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive Authority:
Upload a notarized Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive
Authority form for each physician who will be serving as a supervising physician. You
must have a supervising physician agreement form on file for all physicians who are
supervising your prescriptive authority. If any of your supervising physicians change or
discontinue their agreement with you, you must submit via your Nurse Portal account
within 30 days of the change, the Change in Physician(s) Supervising Advanced
Practice Prescriptive Authority form.
Please note: Supervising physicians must have a current Oklahoma M.D. or D.O. license
and registrations from the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
(OBNDD) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Additionally, the supervising
physician should contact the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure and
Supervision (MD’s) or the Oklahoma State Board of Osteopathic Examiners (DO’s) for
the Rules governing physicians supervising APRNs with prescriptive authority.
A. EXCEPTION for APRN-CNPs, APRN-CNSs, and APRN-CNMs working ONLY at a
Veterans Affairs facility AND who will NOT be prescribing Controlled Dangerous
Substances, please note the following:
In 38 C.F.R. § 17.415 which became effective January 13, 2017, the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) were authorized to grant full practice authority to CNPs, CNSs
and CNMs when they are acting within the scope of their VA employment. This rule
established that clinical supervision by physicians is NOT required for full practice
If this exception applies, you must,
i. Upload written verification that VA has granted full practice authority; and
ii. Indicate on the application that the exception does apply to you, and the listing of a
supervising physician(s) name and submission of an Agreement for Physician
Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive Authority form will not be required.
B. The full practice authority is subject to the limitations imposed by the Controlled
Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. 801 et seq. In accordance with 63 O.S. §2-312(C), should an
APRN-CNP, APRN-CNS, and/or an APRN-CNM choose to prescribe controlled
dangerous substances, it becomes the APRN’s responsibility to obtain a supervising
physician, to submit the required Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced
Practice Prescriptive Authority form, and to comply with state and Federal Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) requirements prior to prescribing controlled
If your employment situation changes and you become employed at a non-VA facility in
addition to or instead of a VA facility, or if your full practice authority granted through
VA is rescinded, it is your responsibility to obtain a supervising physician and to notify
this Board.
7. DEA and OBNDD Registration: The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with
prescriptive authority who prescribes Schedule III-V drugs will comply with state and
Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics
and Dangerous Drug (OBNDD) requirements prior to prescribing controlled substances.
If either the OBNDD or the DEA registration lapses or is otherwise in an inactive status,
the APRN must cease prescribing Schedule III-V drugs.
8. Fee: Payment must be made in the form of VISA, MasterCard or electronic fund transfer
when completing the application online.
Fees submitted are not refundable
You are required to notify the Board in writing of any address changes within 30 days of the
change. This notification must be submitted via your Nurse Portal account.
Your application to the Board for recognition is valid for one year after receipt. After that time, a
new application and fee must be submitted. Applications are processed in the order they are
received. Every effort is made to process applications expeditiously.
You may view average processing times of a completed application on our website under
Quarterly Statistics:
In accordance with Oklahoma law (59 O.S. §567.7 (E)), the Executive Director shall suspend the
license or certificate of a person who submits a check, money draft, or similar instrument for
payment of a fee which is not honored by the financial institution named. The suspension
becomes effective ten (10) days following delivery by certified mail of written notice of the
dishonor and the impending suspension to the person’s address on file. Upon notification of
suspension, the person may reinstate the authorization to practice upon payment of the fees and
any and all costs associated with notice and collection. The suspension shall be exempt from the
Administrative Procedures Act.
Common mistakes that delay the processing of your application include failure to:
Answer all application questions completely
Submit required documentation of advanced practice education in
Verify that online continuing education for initial recognition meets the
requirements identified for Category B ii
Write in the space available for each question a complete description and upload
documentation related to criminal charges, disciplinary action, or judicial
declaration of incompetence