Sample letter of request for your own criminal history record
The following letter may be used as a model for requesting your own record for review and
possible challenge. Word the letter any way you want, but be sure to address all the points
found in this sample letter completely and accurately.
To: Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Attn: Criminal History Records Section
1620 SW Tyler
Topeka, KS 66612-1837
Dear Sirs,
I request a copy of my own Kansas criminal history record.
The purpose of these record checks is to determine whether or not I have any criminal history on
file at the Kansas Central Repository and, if I do, to review the history for accuracy and
completeness. [If that statement doesn’t accurately describe your reason for the record check,
please describe the purpose in your own words]
My identifying data is as follows:
Full name:
All other names by which I have been known: [list all alias and maiden names you
have ever used]
Date of Birth:
All other dates of birth I have ever used: [list all alias dates of birth you have
Ever used]
Social Security Account Number:
All other SSAN I have ever used: [list all alias social security numbers you
have ever used]
As conclusive proof of my identity, enclosed is a Personal Identification fingerprint card with my
Fingerprints recorded.
Also enclosed is a [personal check] [money order] [cashier’s check] payable to the KBI Record Fee
Fund for $35.00, payment in full for the record check.
Please mail my Kansas criminal history rapsheet to:
[give your mailing address here]
I understand that the rapsheet will contain all Kansas criminal history record information on file at
the Kansas Central Repository at the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
[Your original signature]