Tenant Fee Schedule
These charges have been put in place to offset the cost and time involved needed to address each
issue listed below on behalf of the tenant.
Failing to Transfer or Connect Utilities Fee - $75
Fee charged when a tenant fails to connect utilities in their name after taking. Possession of the
property. Also, the resident will be charged prorated utility charges.
In the instance that the utilities are required to remain in the owners name, there will be a
late fee assessed for every notice we have to provide to the tenant for delinquent utilities.
The fee will be $75 per delinquent notice.
“Notice to Vacate” Eviction Posting Fee - $125.
This fee is charged when rent is late, and we have to deliver [IN PERSON OR EMAIL] a Notice to
Vacate or THREE DAY NOTICE TO PAY OR QUIT. Tenants who breach the lease are subject to
be put in default and/or lease termination. Owner reserves right to seek all reasonable and
Pre-litigation and litigation costs to evict tenant including attorney’s fees
Certified Letter Fee - $45
This fee will be levied for any occasion the tenant is sent a certified letter for negative reasons.
Examples are a pending eviction, an unauthorized pet, failure to respond to Email and telephone
correspondence from Royal Palm Property Management; or any another lease violation.
After-Hours Maintenance Fee - $75
This fee will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and does not apply to
emergency calls such as HVAC or water issues. This fee is charged to a tenant in the event an
after-hours maintenance call is required for a routine service call. We understand that tenants have
careers and can only be home at certain times after work or on the weekends the same applies to
our staff. It is the policy of Royal Palm Property Management not to perform any work on a
property on behalf of the tenant without the tenant being home to allow for access to the home. We
feel this will avoid issues of any uneasy feelings of key security.
Failure to make the property accessible for showings for any reason Fee - $100 per occurrence. If
Landlord or Landlord’s agents are denied or are not able to access the property for any reason:
Pets, Deadbolt left lock, Security System Armed, Etc.
HOA & Lease Violation Administration Fee - $125.00
This fee will be charged anytime a notice is served for a lease violation. this could be a lease
violation per Royal Palm, homeowners association, code enforcement etc. In the instance that there
is a fine from an association or code enforcement, this fee is in addition to those cost.
The most common examples are the lawn needing to be mowed and edged (tenant responsibility),
the garbage cans left in sight from the street on non-garbage pickup days, unauthorized boats or
trailers parked in the driveway or on the street, A/C filters not being changed monthly,
unauthorized pet on the property, unauthorized tenant, unauthorized trampolines, Delinquent
utilities, etc.
Rental Verification Fee - $45
Please note that the Royal Palm Property Management and/or the landlord, are not required to
provide any information regarding the Tenant's rental and payment history to mortgage companies
or prospective landlords. Royal Palm reserves the right to withhold this information until such time
as the Tenant has formally given notice of their intention to terminate this lease or move out.
Furthermore, the obligation to provide such information is contingent upon the Tenant not being in
breach of any terms of this lease at the time of the request and the aforementioned administrative
fee is paid in full.
Lease Processing Fee for Lease Modifications - $150
This fee will be charged if a tenant wants an administrative action that will cause their lease
agreement to be modified. If a resident would like to remove an occupant from a lease agreement,
add an occupant to a lease agreement, add a pet to a lease agreement or anything that will cause the
lease to be modified, a processing fee of $150 will be charged to the tenant. We cannot remove the
financially responsible parties from the lease agreement until the end of the lease, only non-
financial responsible occupants.
Lease Renewal Fee - $125.00
This fee would be charged once a tenant signs a lease renewal with Royal Palm Property
Management. This covers the administrative costs of preparing and executing a lease renewal and
offers the convenience of electronic signatures.
Failure to Maintain Utilities - $150
It is a mandatory condition for all tenants to maintain active utility services until the move-out
inspection has been fully completed. In the event that utility services are discontinued before this
inspection, it may result in the need to reschedule the inspection, arrange for the reconnection of
utilities, and potentially cause delays in any required repairs. This could lead to a loss of rental
income for the property owner. Furthermore, please be advised that a fee will be assessed by Royal
Palm Property Management if we are required to address any issues related to overdue utility
payments at any point during the lease term.
Make-Ready Coordination Fee for Cleaning or Repairs - $200.00
This fee will be charged if Royal Palm Property Management has to make additional
arrangements to provide maid service, lawn service, carpet cleaning, or repairs to any damages
done to the home that calls for repair because of tenant negligence. Receipts are kept for costs
involved, and can be provided to the tenant. This fee is $200 and is meant to cover the
administrative cost in organizing this work on the tenant’s behalf.
Failure to return keys - $150.00
Failure to turn in keys means that the tenants have not returned possession of the property back to
Royal Palm Property Management, and tenants can be charged additional rent. The lease states the
tenants must return all keys, remote controls, and pool/property access passes. Failure to do so
causes additional staff time locating and coordinating the re-issuance of said devices. The amount
charged for lost remotes and pool/gate access devices will be their combined retail value.
Holdover Fee – Two Times Monthly Rent
In the event that the tenant remains in occupancy of the property beyond the termination date
specified in the proper 30-day Notice to Vacate, as required by the lease agreement, or if the lease
has expired without a written agreement between the tenant and Royal Palm Property Management
for an extension (either on a month-to-month basis or otherwise), an overstay fee will be incurred.
According to the lease terms, this fee will be equivalent to two times the monthly rent. This fee is
in accordance with relevant Florida statutes, specifically [FL. STA. 83.58-83.59].
Stop Payment Fee - $75
This fee is charged if a tenant does not receive a check from Royal Palm Property Management
Property for any reason that is the fault of the tenant. An example would be if we were provided
the wrong forwarding address and our check to you is lost in the mail. This necessitates a stop
payment on that check and issuance of another check. We are charged a fee for stop payment by
our bank, and that cost would be passed along to the outgoing tenant.
Re-Issue Check Fee - $50
This fee is charged to the tenant when through the fault of the tenant a check is lost and Royal
Palm Property Management must re-issue a check to them. It usually coincides with the stop
payment fee.
Missed Appointment Fee - $125
This no-show fee is for tenants who miss scheduled appointments with Royal Palm Property
Management, authorized vendors, or cancel less than 24 hours prior to the appointment. The
specific fee amount, which will be billed to the tenant's account, must be paid as per the lease
agreement terms.
Court Appearance Fee - $500
In the event that a trial is scheduled due to the tenant’s failure to resolve any issues surrounding the
Notice to Vacate, this charge is applied to offset the cost of an employee to appear in court. This
charge is in addition to any cost associated with the eviction including but not limited to attorney
fees and costs charged by the court.
Collection Administration Fee - 10% of the balance owed. This fee will be charged to a tenant in
the event we have to initiate a collection to recoup any funds owed to Royal Palm Property
Management or the property owner. This will include rent, late fees, NSF fees, or any other past
due items. All charges listed above are assessed on a case-by-case basis. This list does not
encompass all possible charges that can occur in the handling of tenant issues during and after the
term of the lease agreement. This fee does not cover any fee that the Collection company may
Walk-Thru Fee - $300
This fee would be charged if the tenant requests an in-person walk-thru either to move into the
home or when moving out of the home. An escorted walk-thru of a property with the tenant and a
representative of Royal Palm Property Management is above and beyond the regular practice of a
vacant home walk-thru. This fee is charged because the tenant often still has access to the home
via keys, and often has possessions still in the home requiring us to do an extra walk-thru once the
locks have been changed and the tenant has completely vacated. Royal Palm is not obligated to do
an in person walk though and can choose to do so at their discretion.
Non-Disparagement / Representations - Royal Palm Property Management, Inc. and Tenant(s)
mutually agree, that as additional consideration, specifically the mutuality of this clause, each is
prohibited from making disparaging remarks/statements or publications regarding the other to any
third party, internet, or other sites, effective the date of this agreement. This provision relates to
remarks statements/publications regarding this agreement or either parties’ performance under this
Agreement, or subsequent to any termination of this agreement. If any dispute arises regarding
whether any remark/statement or publication is disparaging, the parties agree that for purposes of
this provision, expressly including the enforcement of this provision detailed below, that any
remark/statement or publication shall be irrefutably deemed disparaging if: (1) the other party
requests, in writing, that the writing/publishing party remove the remark and/or publication; and
(2) the remark and/or publication is not removed within two days of said requests.
Royal Palm Property Management & Tenant(s) mutually agree that damages for failure to comply
with this provision shall be liquidated at two hundred dollars per day for each
remark/statement/representation that is disparaging, or is not removed within two days of request
to remove said remark/ statement/representation. Royal Palm Property Management, Inc. &
Tenant(s) further agree that enforcement of this provision is appropriate through a temporary
restraining order and/or injunctions and permanent injunctions, notwithstanding any rights under
the First Amendment to the United States and Florida Constitutions, and that any party who
prevails on enforcement of this provision, whether for monetary damages or injunctive relief is
entitled to recover attorney fees against the other.
Conduct and Information Sharing:
As a valued tenant of Royal Palm Property Management, mutual respect is fundamental to our
relationship. We are committed to treating you with respect and expect the same in return.
Physical, verbal, or psychological abuse towards any staff, employees, or representatives of Royal
Palm Property Management will not be tolerated. Engaging in threatening or potentially harmful
behavior may result in the non-renewal of your lease agreement.
Furthermore, please be aware that Royal Palm Property Management reserves the right to disclose
information regarding your rental history to law enforcement agencies, governmental bodies, or for
legitimate business purposes as deemed necessary. Additionally, we intend to report details of your
rental payment history to credit reporting agencies. Royal Palm Property Management reserves the
right to report or not report to credit reporting agencies.
Tenant __________________________ Date:
Tenant ___________________________Date:
Tenant __________________________ Date:
Tenant ___________________________Date:
Broker ____________________________Date: