c/o KW Property Management & Consulting, LLC
23770 SW 115
Avenue Miami, FL 33032
(786) 410-5464
Method of payment:
Money Orders ONLY
No personal checks, No company checks, No cash, No credit cards.
Money Orders are payable to: SILVER PALMS HOA
$100.00 Regular Fee per applicant AND/OR $150.00 per married couple
Approval processing may take up to fifteen (15) business days. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Management will call you when approval is ready for pick up.
*Lease and Association approval is subject to renewal at the end of the lease term*
Lease renewal: $50.00 per applicant AND/OR $75.00 per married couple
Lease requirements:
No home may be subject to more than two (2) leases in any twelve (12) month period, regardless of the
lease term. No lease terms shall be less than ninety (90) days.
Homes may be leased, licensed or occupied only in theft entirely and no fraction or portion may be
rented. Individual rooms of a home may not be leased on any basis.
Application fee per applicant (unless married, if last names are different, must provide copy of
marriage certificate)
Copy of valid ID(s) for each applicant over the age of 18 years old.
A copy of the first and last signature page of the lease/sale contract must be attached, Please note
only the name(s) of the applicant(s) will appear on the official approval if granted.
Application MUST BE COMPLETELY filled out and signed, please put N/A if there is no
information to provide in that area and social security must be on the application for screening
Occupancy prior to approval of the Association is PROHIBITED. Should a potential occupant move in
without prior written approval, the Association will be impose a $100.00 FINE per day up to $1,000.00
maximum for violation of the Association’s Rules and Regulations.
If there are any questions NOT answered or left blanked on the application, the application will be returned
and NOT processed. NOTE: Tenants will NOT be approved if property owner is delinquent on their
maintenance account and/or have any pending violations.
Applications along with the above information CAN BE MAILED OR DELIVERED to:
23770 SW 115
MIAMI, FL 33032
Silver Palms by Lennar Community Association, Inc.
This Application Must Be Completed in Full by Prospective Occupant(s)
APPLICANT INFORMATION (Parties listed on Lease/Purchase Contract)
Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: _________________________ M.I._______
DOB: ____/____/____ Social Security# : _____________ Email Address: __________________________
Mobile Ph: _____________ Work Ph: _____________ Home Ph:____________ Fax Ph:______________
Current Address: _____________________________ City: ___________ State: ______ Zip:_________
Own Rent (Please circle) Monthly Payment or Rent: $ ___________ How long? ____________
Current Landlord Name (if applicable): ______________________ Landlord Phone: _________________
Previous Home Address:________________________ City: ____________ State: _____ Zip: _________
Previous Landlord Name (if applicable): ____________________ Landlord Phone: __________________
Own Rent (Please circle) Monthly Payment or Rent: $ ____________ How long? ______________
Mailing Address after closing (circle one): Current Address This Property Address
Other ________________________________________
Purchase will be (circle one) Primary Residence Secondary Residence Investment Property
Current Employer:_____________________ Employer Address: ________________________________
City: __________________ State: _________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: ________________
Position: ____________________ Length of Employment: ___________ Yearly Income $ ____________
Other Yearly Income: $ ________________ Assets: $ ______________________
Have you ever been convicted of a felony/misdemeanor? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________
Have you ever had an eviction process? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________
CO-APPLICANT INFORMATION (Parties listed on Lease/Purchase Contract)
Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: _________________________ M.I.______
Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Social Security # : _____________ Email Address: __________________
Mobile Ph: ____________ Work Ph: ____________ Home Ph: ____________ Fax Ph: ______________
Current Address (if different): _______________________City: ___________ State:_____ Zip:________
Own Rent (Please circle) Monthly Payment or Rent: $ ___________ How long? _______________
Current Landlord Name (if applicable): _____________________ Landlord Phone: _________________
Previous Home Address (if different):___________________ City: _________ State: _____ Zip:_______
Previous Landlord Name (if applicable): ______________________ Landlord Phone: _______________
Own Rent (Please circle) Monthly Payment or Rent: $ ____________ How long? _____________
Current Employer:_____________________ Employer Address: ________________________________
City: __________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ______________ Phone: _________________
Position: __________________ Length of Employment: ___________ Yearly Income $ _____________
Other Yearly Income: $ ________________ Assets: $ ______________________
Have you ever been convicted of a felony/misdemeanor? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________
Have you ever had an eviction process? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________
Name:______________________ Telephone: ____________________ Relationship: _______________
Name:______________________ Telephone: ____________________ Relationship: _______________
Name:______________________ Telephone: ____________________ Relationship: _______________
Name:______________________ Telephone: ____________________ Relationship: _______________
RESIDENT MINORS (Residents under the age of 18)
Name: ______________________ DOB: ___________ Relation: ___________ Phone:______________
Name: ______________________ DOB: ___________ Relation: ___________ Phone:______________
Name: ______________________ DOB: ___________ Relation: ___________ Phone:______________
Name: ______________________ DOB: ___________ Relation: ___________ Phone:______________
Name: ______________________ DOB: ___________ Relation: ___________ Phone:______________
Make: _____________ Model: _____________Year:_______ Color:_________ License #: ___________
Make: _____________ Model: _____________Year:_______ Color:_________ License #: ___________
Make: _____________ Model: _____________Year:_______ Color:_________ License #: ___________
Make: _____________ Model: _____________Year:_______ Color:_________ License #: ___________
Pet Type:_______ Name:______________ Breed:____________ Color:________ Age:____ Tag#:_________
Pet Type:_______ Name:______________ Breed:____________ Color:________ Age:____ Tag#:_________
Pet Type:_______ Name:______________ Breed:____________ Color:________ Age:____ Tag#:_________
Pet Type:_______ Name:______________ Breed:____________ Color:________ Age:____ Tag#:_________
OWNER’S INFORMATION (if home will be occupied by tenant):
Homeowner Name: _____________________________________ Telephone: _________________________
New Mailing Address: ____________________________________ City: _________________ State: ______
Zip: _____________ Email: ____________________________________________
Once approval/denial is ready for pickup, please contact:
Name: ________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________
Email: ________________________________ Relation to Applicant: ____________________
Association Disclosure
Association living imposes a unique standard of Rules and Regulations upon residents. Please initial each below:
Applicant for Purchase understands that he/she is responsible for making payments of
assessments/ maintenance to this Association on a monthly basis on the first of each
month. Past due accounts are subject to late fees and interest in addition to other possible
Applicant has received a copy of the Homeowners Rules and Regulations/Association
Documents and understands the Association rules prior to the submitting application.
Applicant(s) understand that any violation of terms, provisions, conditions, and
covenants of the HOA documents provides causes for immediate action as therein
provided or termination of the leasehold under appropriate circumstances. Owner(s) is
responsible for the cost of eviction of any tenants(s) upon request of the Association.
Applicant understands that in the case homeowner becomes delinquent in the payment
of any regular maintenance assessments or special assessments due to the Association,
pursuant to FL Statutes Sec. 720.3085(8), if the parcel is occupied by a tenant, the
Association may make a written demand to the tenant to pay to the Association the future
monetary obligations related to the parcel.
Applicant understands that all exterior modifications/additions require prior written
approval by the ACC.
Applicants understand that any pending violations must be corrected prior to approval.
Said approval is conditional upon payment of all past due assessments and violation
Authorization for Release of Information
I hereby consent to allow Silver Palms Community Association, Inc. through its designated agent and its
employees, to obtain and verify my Credit Information and/or Criminal Information for the purpose of
determining whether or not to approve the leasing or purchase of the above mentioned home. I understand that
any misleading information submitted to the Homeowner’s Association could constitute in application denial. I
understand that should I purchase or lease the above mentioned home, its agent shall have the continuing right to
review my credit information, criminal information, rental application, payment history and occupancy history
for account review purposes and for improving application review methods.
I hereby authorize the release of information to the Homeowners Association to which I am applying or their
respective Management Company, their attorneys or representative concerning my banking, credit, residence, and
employment or police records in reference to the application for housing (lease) or in consideration of the purchase
of a unit.
I understand that the Homeowner’s Association may release, if deemed necessary, this information with the
respective owner/landlord of the above mentioned property. I understand that this information is used as part of
an investigative and/or credit report. Furthermore, I hereby waive my privileges I may have with respect to the
disclosure of said information to the aforesaid parties.
Confidentiality: The information contained within this application will not be marked, sold or distributed in any
manner to any third party not specifically referenced within this application.
Applicant Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________________
Co-Applicant Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________________
Silver Palms by Lennar Community Association, Inc.
If someone other than the applicant and co-applicant over the age of 18 years old will be residing in the home
please fill out the below information and include a $100 money order and a copy of a valid ID for each additional
resident screening.
Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: _________________________ M.I._______
DOB: ____/____/____ Social Security# : _____________ Email Address: __________________________
Mobile Ph: _____________ Work Ph: _____________ Home Ph:____________
Current Address: _____________________________ City: ___________ State: ______ Zip:_________
Have you ever been convicted of a felony/misdemeanor? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________
Have you ever had an eviction process? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________
Applicant has received a copy of the Homeowners Rules and Regulations/Association Documents and
understands the Association rules prior to the submitting application.
Applicant Initials ____________
Authorization for Release of Information
I hereby consent to allow Silver Palms Community Association, Inc. through its designated agent and its
employees, to obtain and verify my Credit Information and/or Criminal Information for the purpose of
determining whether or not to approve the leasing or purchase of the above mentioned home. I understand that
any misleading information submitted to the Homeowner’s Association could constitute in application denial. I
understand that should I purchase or lease the above mentioned home, its agent shall have the continuing right
to review my credit information, criminal information, rental application, payment history and occupancy history
for account review purposes and for improving application review methods.
I hereby authorize the release of information to the Homeowners Association to which I am applying or their
respective Management Company, their attorneys or representative concerning my banking, credit, residence,
and employment or police records in reference to the application for housing (lease) or in consideration of the
purchase of a unit.
I understand that the Homeowner’s Association may release, if deemed necessary, this information with the
respective owner/landlord of the above mentioned property. I understand that this information is used as part of
an investigative and/or credit report. Furthermore, I hereby waive my privileges I may have with respect to the
disclosure of said information to the aforesaid parties.
Confidentiality: The information contained within this application will not be marked, sold or distributed in any
manner to any third party not specifically referenced within this application.
Applicant Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________
c/o KW Property Management & Consulting, LLC
23770 SW 115th Avenue Miami, FL 33032
(786) 410-5464
Instructions for Online Access of Association Documents
To access all Association documents online please login to:
Listed below are the recording book and page numbers required for online viewing:
Amended and Restated Declaration Silver Palms Book 24796 Page 3415
First Amendment to the Declaration Book 26363 Page 4956
Second Amendment to the Declaration Book 26403 Page 1370
Third Amendment to the Declaration Book 26858 Page 0123
Fourth Amendment to the Declaration Book 27288 Page 1624
Fifth Amendment to the Declaration Book 28278 Page 4374
Sixth Amendment to the Declaration Book 28615 Page 0939
Seventh Amendment to the Declaration Book 29057 Page 2656