Public Meeting Law
District Training Week
February 2021
Please mute your microphone and/or telephone.
The session will be recorded.
I am not a lawyer – this is not legal advice.
Feel free to ask questions at any time via the chat box or
This only scratches the surface of important topics.
Recordings and reference materials available on ODA
Basic Requirements
Open to public (executive session exemption)
Advance notice
Votes public and recorded
What is a Public Meeting
Definition of “Public Meeting”
Convening of governing body
Deliberate to make a decision or deliberate toward a decision
Quorum required to make a decision
Official actions must be taken by open public vote
To what bodies does the law apply?
State and local government “governing bodies” of “public
Governing Bodies
Two or more members of any public body
Makes decisions or recommendations
Public Bodies
Includes municipal corporations (districts), committees,
subcommittees, advisory groups
Do advisory boards, committees,
subcommittees, task forces, etc.
have to comply with Public
Meeting Laws?
YES: If the group has been given authority by the
board to make recommendations to the board or
make decisions on behalf of the board.
NO: If the group only provides information not
being used to make a decision by the board.
If the board appoints less than a
quorum of board members to a
committee, do they have to
comply with Public Meeting Laws?
YES: If the group has been given authority by the
board to make recommendations to the board or
make decisions on behalf of the board.
NO: If the group only provides information not
being used to make a decision by the board.
What if the board appoints only
one board member to a
committee, do they have to
comply with Public Meeting Laws?
YES: If the group has been given authority by the
board to make recommendations to the board or
make decisions on behalf of the board.
NO: If the group only provides information not
being used to make a decision by the board.
What if the board appoints no
board members to a committee
and only staff and members of the
public, do they have to comply
with Public Meeting Laws?
YES: If the group has been given authority by the
board to make recommendations to the board or
make decisions on behalf of the board.
NO: If the group only provides information not
being used to make a decision by the board.
If you are at a social gathering or
at a working lunch, do you have to
comply with Public Meeting Laws?
YES: If attended by a quorum of the governing
body and include discussion of official business.
NO: If discussions at a social gathering are limited
to non district topics.
ORS 174.130 defines quorum as a majority, and ORS
568.570 states a majority constitutes a quorum.
Majority of board positions must be present, whether or not
all positions are filled.
Majority vote of ALL members of a board must occur in
order to make a decision
Three Yes votes for five member boards regardless of
Four Yes votes for seven member boards regardless of
Who may attend?
Except for executive session, any member of the public
may attend any public meeting.
Right to attend does not include right to participate.
Public may record or video tape the meeting.
Executive Session
A meeting that is closed to certain persons or organizations for
the purpose of discussing sensitive matters.
Some examples:
To discuss employment of public officers, employees or agents.
Discuss the dismissal, discipline, or complaints of public officers
or employees
Discuss performance evaluations
Discuss exempt public records
Consulting with legal counsel
Executive Session
Chair must announce the statutory authority for the executive
session before going into executive session.
News media must be allowed to attend, but are barred from
disclosure of discussion unless the board discusses matters
outside the scope of the session.
Minutes are required, but they may be kept in the form of sound
tape recording.
If an employee requests a public session for performance
evaluation or discipline matters, the meeting must be held in
Board may not reach a final decision in executive session. The
board must go to public session to act formally on any matter.
Executive Session
Violation of Executive Session laws are investigated by
Oregon Government Ethics Commission.
Civil penalties for violations given to individual board
More detailed sessions at 9am Friday Feb. 19
and 6pm
Wednesday Feb. 24
Electronic Meetings
Telephone conference calls are permitted.
Room with “listening” devices must be provided.
This has been waived during health emergency.
Now days…
Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Hybrid models
Regular Meetings
“Reasonably calculated to give actual notice to interested
persons including news media which have requested notice.”
Special Meetings
24 hours notice
Emergency Meetings
Must attempt to notify media and interested parties. Must
indicate nature of emergency in minutes.
Notice must include:
Time, place & agenda (principle subjects)
For executive session, must include reference to law
authorizing executive session
Paid advertising not required
Examples of posting notices
Local media representative
Press release (not responsible if not published)
Mailing and/or interested parties list
Notice boards (not sufficient on its own)
Website/Facebook (not sufficient on its own)
Improper notice of meeting is violation of law
All decisions are void, though can be retroactively reinstated.
Annual Meetings and Public Hearings
“Due Notice”
Published twice at least seven days apart with one at least 15 days
prior to meeting or hearing.
“Cause to be Published”
You have to pay for a legal notice…twice.
Written minutes must be provided of all meetings
All members present
All motions, proposals, resolutions, orders,
ordinances, and measures and their disposition.
The result of all votes and the vote of each member
by name.
The substance of any discussion on any matter (need
not be detailed).
A reference to any document discussed at the
meeting (subject to public records law).
Audio recordings of executive sessions generally
need not be transcribed.
Can be sued
Decisions are void
May be reinstated retroactively
“Willful misconduct” causes personal liability
Complaints of executive session provisions
made to Government Ethics Commission.
Eric Nusbaum
Operations Specialist