Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high
ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom, in a
system of higher education recognised for its excellence.
Founded by a 1953 Act of Parliament, Marshall
Scholarships are mainly funded by the Foreign,
Commonwealth and Development Office and
commemorate the humane ideals of the Marshall Plan
conceived by US General George C Marshall, which
provided economic aid to the UK after World War II.
They express the continuing gratitude of the British
people to their American counterparts.
The objectives of the Marshall Scholarships are:
To enable intellectually distinguished young
Americans, their country’s future leaders, to study in
the UK.
To help Scholars gain an understanding and
appreciation of contemporary Britain.
To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in
science, technology, the humanities and social
sciences and the creative arts at Britain’s centres of
academic excellence.
To motivate Scholars to act as ambassadors from
the USA to the UK and vice versa throughout their
lives, thus strengthening British-American
To promote the personal and academic fulfilment of
each Scholar.
In appointing Scholars, the Selectors will look for
candidates who have the potential to excel as Scholars,
as leaders and as contributors to improved UK-US
understanding. Assessment will be based on academic
merit, leadership potential and ambassadorial potential.
Details of the criteria used for selection can be found on
the Marshall Commission website.
The conditions of award, application and
selection procedures are set out in this document.
Conditions governing One-Year Scholarships are
set out in a separate set of Rules.
1. Up to fifty Marshall Scholarships will be awarded in
2025. They are tenable at any British university and for
study in any discipline at graduate level, leading to the
award of a British university degree (courses not
funded are outlined below).
NB university degrees may be referred to as
courses or programmes.
2. Candidates are invited to indicate first and second
choice courses at the same or different universities,
subject to restrictions as detailed in Section 9. Expressions
of interest in studying at universities other than Oxford,
Cambridge and London institutions are particularly
Candidates are especially encouraged to consider
courses at Marshall Partnership Universities. A course
search facility is available here:
3. The selection of Scholars is based on our
published criteria:
This includes, under the academic criteria, a range
of factors, including a candidate’s choice of course
and university. Therefore, selected candidates will be
expected to apply to their year one first-choice
university and course listed on their Marshall
application. If unsuccessful in gaining admission to
their first choice, candidates will be expected to apply
for their year one second-choice university, and
accept that place if admitted.
4. Candidates do not need to have applied for or be
accepted at a British university before they apply for a
Marshall Scholarship. However, applicants should be
aware that there are some courses with early deadlines at
UK institutions (including but not limited to the University
of Oxford, University of Cambridge and the Royal
Academy of Music) that have early deadlines throughout
October early January which could precede updates on
Marshall application progress or a scholarship offer.
Applicants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with
course deadlines and prepare accordingly.
Once a Scholar has been selected and accepted the
award offer, they will receive a confirmation letter from
the Commission in early to mid-December and will be
expected to complete an application for their year one
first-choice UK university programme (if not already
completed). The decision to admit a Scholar is with
the University, and the Commission has no influence
on the outcome of UK university applications. The
Marshall Commission cannot, therefore, guarantee that a
Marshall Scholar will be admitted. The Marshall
Secretariat team will be available during this process, and
we encourage Scholars to seek advice and guidance at
the earliest opportunity (please note that the offices will be
closed during the holiday period).
When a Scholar applies to a course at Oxford or
Cambridge, the Commission will identify the College
that the Scholar should list on their application as their
preference. Partner Colleges listed in the document
below will be prioritised.
5. Final selection of Marshall Scholars is made by
eight regional selection panels in the US.
6. The total value of a Marshall Scholarship varies
according to costs associated with particular courses and
geographic considerations, but all Scholars will receive
the following:
payment of tuition fees
a personal allowance (“stipend”) to cover
accommodation and basic living expenses. The
stipend rates are set by the UK government and
are reviewed annually. As an indicator, the
current 2023-24 stipend rate is £1,347 per month
if studying outside of London and £1,652 for
those studying in London. The first stipend
payment is received upon arrival to the UK.
fares for economy flights to and from the United
Claimable allowances totalling approximately
£3,500 for purposes including but not limited to certain
academic expenses, UK travel, shipping, and one
return flight to the US during scholarship tenure.
7. Marshall Scholarships are not subject to UK Income
Tax but may be considered taxable income by the
US Internal Revenue Service.
8. To qualify for a 2025 Two Year award, candidates
be citizens of the United States of America (at
the time they apply for a scholarship);
(by the time they would take up a scholarship
i.e. September 2025) hold their first
undergraduate degree from an accredited four-
year college or university in the United States;
have obtained a grade point average of not less
than 3.7 on their undergraduate degree at the time
of application (a candidate’s most up-to-date
undergraduate GPA will be used for the application;
final transcripts will be requested at the interview
have graduated from their first
undergraduate college or university after April
not have studied for or hold a degree or degree-
equivalent qualification from a UK University or
undertaken GCSE or A level qualifications in the
Candidates are only allowed to apply for either the
one-year or the two-year Marshall Scholarship. Any
candidate found applying for both will automatically
be disqualified.
9. The following degree courses are NOT funded on the
two- year Marshall Scholarship:
Second BA/BSc (undergraduate) Degrees
MBA (any university)
MSc/MFE Financial Economics (any university)
Postgraduate Diplomas/Certificates in any
subject (any university)
Degree courses leading to professional
qualifications in medicine, dentistry, veterinary
science and law (these degrees typically take 5
years to complete)
Degree courses that require extended periods
away from the University or the UK, including
joint degrees with universities not in the UK
Distance Learning degree courses, including any
courses with large VLE or online components.
Master’s degree courses exceeding 12 or 24
months, including 15- or 28-month Masters degree
Supervised research not leading to a degree
Degree courses that start in January
Part-time degree courses
NB: Candidates should read course descriptions and
structures thoroughly. Candidates who list any of the
qualifications not funded by the Marshall
Commission on their application will not be invited to
an interview.
In addition, if a candidate puts Oxford, Cambridge
or Imperial College, King’s College London, LSE or
UCL as their first-choice institution in a given year,
none of these universities can be listed as second-
choice institutions.
Please note: for Scholars Elect, the Commission will
only support applications to UK universities that are
listed on their Marshall application for year one and in
accordance with these restrictions.
The following should also be noted:
University of London: under the university’s
regulations it is not possible to complete a
research MPhil degree in less than two years.
University of Cambridge: under the
university’s regulations it is not possible to
undertake two MPhil degrees at Cambridge.
10. The Marshall Commission has partnership
Scholarships with:
University of Bath
University of Birmingham
University of Bradford
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Dundee (College of Life
Sciences) (PhD only)
Durham University
University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
Guildhall School of Music and Drama
University of Hull
Imperial College London
Keele University
University of Kent
King’s College London
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Nottingham
Queen Mary University of
London Queen’s University
Belfast University of Reading
Royal Holloway, University of London
Royal Northern College of Music
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
University of St Andrews
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
University College London
University of Warwick
University of York
To be considered for the Partnership Marshall
Scholarships you must include one of the above
institutions on your application form as your first
choice. For further information on these Scholarships
please see:
In addition, the Marshall Commission has partnerships
with the following Oxford and Cambridge Colleges:
Balliol College, Oxford
Brasenose College, Oxford (Brasenose-Blavatnik, MPP
Christ’s College, Cambridge
Downing College, Cambridge
Exeter College, Oxford
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
King’s College, Cambridge
Magdalen College, Oxford (DPhil only)
New College, Oxford
Newnham College, Cambridge
Nuffield College, Oxford
Somerville College, Oxford
St John’s College, Cambridge
Trinity College, Cambridge
Trinity College, Oxford
University College, Oxford
NB: Candidates for all Partnership Scholarships will
compete in the main Marshall Scholarship
competition. Partnerships awards are only offered if
such candidates are selected in this process.
11. NIH Marshall Scholarships. These Scholarships
are jointly funded by the Marshall Commission and
the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and
provide additional years of funding for PhD students
in the subject areas of bioscience, medicine and
related disciplines with a predominant application in
bioscience. Applicants may study at any appropriate
UK Institution. Anyone who is selected for a
Marshall Scholarship in Biosciences and wishes to
complete a PhD is eligible for this Scholarship. For
more information please see:
NB: to apply for this programme you will need to
apply for both the Marshall Scholarship and the NIH
Graduate Partners Programme. If you wish to apply
for a non- Oxford/Cambridge university please
indicate on your NIH application that you are applying
for a Marshall Scholarship.
12. Candidates may apply in one region only either that
in which they have their permanent home address
or ordinary place of residence/employment, or that in
which they are studying. Any candidate applying in
more than one region will automatically be
disqualified. Any candidate found to be falsifying their
permanent address will automatically be disqualified.
Applications must be endorsed by the President,
Provost, or Academic Dean of the applicant's
undergraduate educational institution. The online
application must be submitted and authorised by a
designated member of staff at the applicant’s
undergraduate educational institution.
In exceptional circumstances candidates may be
nominated by their Graduate School. However, special
permission must be sought from the Marshall
Commission. If the candidate’s institution has set an
internal deadline for candidates to submit to their
institution, the date will be displayed on the online
application form. Applicants should speak to their
institutions’ designated member of staff for questions
about the internal deadline.
No endorsing institution may submit more than 24
applications overall. There is no cap on the number of
applications that can be sent to an individual Region,
but the overall number of applications that an institution
can endorse will be a maximum of 24.
All applicants must complete and submit their
applications via the online system no later than 5:00pm
in the time zone where your endorsing institution is
located on 24 September 2024. Recommenders
should submit their letters of recommendation by the
same deadline. The application will then be
processed by your endorsing institution for submission.
It will not be possible to make changes to the
application after this date.
Final submission of the application, including the
letter of endorsement, must be submitted online by the
endorsing institution no later than 5:00pm in the time
zone where your endorsing institution is located on 26
September 2024.
NB: PDF copies of the candidate’s official Academic
transcripts must be submitted online. Digital or scanned
copies of the transcript are acceptable. Unofficial
transcripts are not acceptable, and if these are included
the application may be considered ineligible. The
Commission recommends that applications be
submitted well in advance of the deadline to
avoid any last-minute issues.
13. As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of
British society, Marshall Scholars will strengthen the
enduring relationship between the British and American
peoples, their governments and their institutions.
Marshall Scholars are talented, independent and wide-
ranging in their interests and their time as Scholars will
enhance their intellectual and personal growth. Their
direct engagement with the UK through its best academic
programmes will contribute to their ultimate personal
14. The Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission is
looking for candidates who have the potential to excel as
scholars, as leaders and as contributors to improved UK-
US understanding. In doing so, the Commission
recognises the value of diversity among applicants and
promotes equality of opportunity, and is committed to
ensuring the selection process is fair and equitable.
In appointing Scholars, the Selectors will assess
applicants based on academic merit, leadership potential
and ambassadorial potential. Details of the criteria used
for selection can be found at:
15. Applications will be received and reviewed at eight
regional centres in the United States (outlined in Section
25). Shortlisted candidates will be notified if they have
been selected for interview by early to mid- November.
Candidates invited for interview must provide
evidence of their date of birth and US citizenship
(such as a passport) and a copy of their original
transcript to the Regional Centre.
The final selection will be announced shortly after
the interviews. Those selected will be notified in
writing and will be asked to accept or decline the
scholarship offer in writing within 5 days of
receiving it. In keeping with other UK government-
funded programs, the Marshall Commission asks
Scholars to give a definitive and final response in
this way, so that the Commission can begin
providing support. All awards are ultimately
subject to the ability of those nominated for a
Scholarship to receive an offer to study at a
British university.
16. If candidates are required to attend an in-person
interview in the region in which they have applied,
they may be reimbursed for their travel expenses,
not exceeding the cost of a round-trip airfare (at the
most economical rate available) and overnight
accommodation if unavoidable. Candidates will
receive further instructions from the regional
committee and will only be reimbursed if they follow
the guidelines provided. In cases where interviews
are conducted virtually, there will no reimbursement
for interview costs.
17. Applications will be accepted from eligible
applicants who are residing outside the United States
for study or work. Candidates offered an interview
who will be working or studying overseas during the
interview period will need to raise this with the
relevant regional committee. Such candidates will be
allowed to participate in a virtual interview and will not
be expected to attend the interview in person.
Candidates participating in virtual interviews will not
be penalised. If the Candidate does decide to return
to the US for the interview, the Commission will not
cover the cost of the flights.
18. A two- year Marshall Scholarship is tenable
for two academic years. It is a condition of the
award that Marshall Scholars must proceed to a
degree that can be completed within the two-year
tenure, unless applying for a PhD/DPhil. Candidates
who apply for the two-year Scholarship are
expected to study in the UK for this entire period.
If they do not wish to do this they should consider
applying for the one- year Marshall Scholarship
(see separate rules).
It is possible to undertake two one-year Masters
degrees. If the degree proposed is a one-year
programme it will be necessary for the applicant to
consider what course of study might be
undertaken in the second year. This could be
another one-year degree either at the same
institution or at a different UK university or
perhaps a research degree, subject to admission
and course selection criteria as detailed in Section
Two-year Scholarships may only be extended by the
Commission for Scholars who begin a PhD in their
second year. Third-year extensions are granted by the
Commission on a limited basis, for strong academic
reasons, subject to the availability of funds. Funding
will not be extended beyond a third year.
Scholars who apply to and are selected for the
scholarship to undertake a PhD will be eligible to
receive third year funding without applying for an
extension. They will however need to demonstrate
to the Commission during their second year that
they are on track to complete their degree.
In addition:
a. Up to three third-year extensions may be granted
by the University of Oxford to those pursuing
a doctorate at Oxford.
b. Up to two third year extensions may be granted by
the University of Cambridge to those pursuing a
doctorate at Cambridge.
Most of the Marshall Partnership Scholarships
provide funding for up to three years, if Scholars
undertake a doctoral programme (subject to
academic progress).
19. Scholars are required to enrol at a British
university for the full two years of their award as
full-time students proceeding to a higher degree.
If Scholars study for two one-year degrees, they
may be registered at two different UK Universities
during their tenure. As a Marshall Scholarship is
intended to give the holder an opportunity to see as
much as possible of the United Kingdom, meet its
people and observe its institutions, Scholars will be
expected to spend the majority of their vacation time in
the UK.
Academic study proposals involving lengthy periods
away from the university or outside the United
Kingdom will not be accepted more information
can be found in the Scholar Handbook.
Non-academic visits overseas including to the United
States are subject to approval by the Marshall
Commission and should not exceed 30 days in an
academic year, if permission is given by the
Commission to exceed this limit Scholars may be
subject to a loss of stipend for this period.
20. Scholars' supervisors or directors of study at their UK
universities will be asked to report annually to the
Commission on their academic progress and general
conduct. Should a Scholar be dismissed from his/her
university for any reason, the Scholarship will be
immediately terminated. If a Scholar engages in
misconduct or faces disciplinary action at their university,
the Marshall Commission reserves the right to take
action in accordance with its Disciplinary Policy.
21. Applicants are required to notify the regional
committee to which they have applied or, if already
selected for an award, to the Commission if they
intend to bring a partner or children with them to the
UK. More information on UK Visas and Immigration’s
(UKVI) student visa guidance for dependant visas
can be found here: www.gov.uk/student-visa/family-
members. Applicants must satisfy the UKVI’s
requirements and follow their guidelines for applying
for dependants under the student visa.
22. The Commission does not offer an additional
allowance for the partners of Scholars but has
discretion to pay initial travel fares for dependants of
Scholars who receive dependant visas, to provide a
shipping allowance and to provide a settling-in
allowance. The Commission does not cover visa-
related costs for dependants.
23. Candidates are asked to state on their
application form whether they have applied, or
intend to apply, for any similar scholarships.
Marshall Scholarships cannot be held
concurrently with any scholarship or award of
like value.
The Commission reserves the right to abate or
withdraw its Scholarships in instances where
Scholars are beneficiaries of other significant
awards, prizes or earned income. Scholars are
required to disclose if they will be in receipt of other
scholarships, the total of which cannot exceed
Marshall Scholars are able to undertake part-time
paid employment while in the UK but this is subject
to Home Office Regulations, university/ college
regulations, and individual Scholarsoverall
commitment to their studies in the UK and
conditions of award. Scholars should remember
that their academic studies are of paramount
importance and should be given due priority.
Candidates who are in the military, and are receiving a
salary, will receive a reduced maintenance allowance.
24. The Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission
reserves the right to withdraw an offer of Scholarship
under various conditions including if a Scholar or
Scholar Elect engages in behaviour that is in violation of
the Scholar Code of Conduct.
As a Marshall Scholar or Scholar Elect, the holder is an
ambassador for both the Marshall Commission and the
United States of America, and their actions and remarks
will have an impact on the reputation of both. Scholars
are therefore expected to adhere to high standards of
conduct and behaviour and to always show respect to
others and your surroundings at all times.
The Marshall Commission aims to enable a free
exchange of ideas during all its activities in order to
achieve the maximum potential impact for all
participants. Recognising the diversity of
backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives among
our award holders, Scholars are reminded to always
be respectful to others.
The Marshall Commission is committed to proactively
safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Marshall
Scholars, and to protecting all those with whom the
Commission comes into contact. The Commission
requires Commissioners, Secretariat staff, and Scholars
and Fellows to fulfil their role and responsibilities in a
manner consistent with requirements for safeguarding.
Any complaints received will be taken very seriously and
any behaviour that does not adhere to the above values
and expectations will be addressed by the Marshall
25. The eight regions mentioned above are as follows:
ATLANTA REGION: Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, Georgia
Pacific Center, Suite 3400, 133 Peachtree Street NE,
Atlanta, GA 30303.
BOSTON REGION: Connecticut (except Fairfield County),
Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, One
Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142
CHICAGO REGION: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin.
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, 625 North
Michigan Avenue, Suite 2200, Chicago, IL 60611.
HOUSTON REGION: Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana,
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, 1301 Fannin
St Suite 2400, Houston, TX 77002
LOS ANGELES REGION: Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada,
Southern California (including the following counties:
San Luis Obisbo, Kern, San Bernardino, Riverside,
Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, San
Diego, Imperial), Utah.
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, 2029
Century Park East, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90067
NEW YORK REGION: Connecticut (Fairfield County
only), New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, 1 Dag
Hammarskjold Plaza, 885 2nd Ave, New York, NY
SAN FRANCISCO REGION: Alaska, Idaho, Montana,
Northern California (including the following counties:
Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa,
Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn,
Humboldt, Inyo, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Marin,
Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey,
Napa, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San
Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa
Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma,
Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumme,
Yolo, Yuba), Oregon, Washington State, Wyoming.
Regional centre: British Consulate-General, Suite 850, 1
Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104.
WASHINGTON DC REGION: Delaware, District of
Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia.
Regional centre: The British Embassy, 3100
Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008-
The offices of the Marshall Aid Commemoration
Commission are located at the following address:
British Council, 1 Redman Place, London
E20 1JQ, United Kingdom.
E-mail: apps@marshallscholarship.org
URL: www.marshallscholarship.org
26. Full details of administrative arrangements will be
provided to Scholars Elect with notification of their
awards, but in considering whether to apply for an
award, candidates may like to be aware of the points
covered below.
27. Fares for Marshall Scholars to travel to the United
Kingdom will be paid from their place of residence in the
United States to their university in the UK. The fares
will cover economy class air travel in the US, economy
class transatlantic air fares to the UK, and standard
class train fares in the UK. No other expenses of travel
can be met but the Commission has discretion to pay
the fares of dependants where agreed in advance as
outlined in points 21 and 22.
Subject to satisfactory completion of studies in
the United Kingdom, fares will be paid for return
journeys on the same basis. Scholars are not debarred
from travelling by other means or at other rates to
take up their award, but no reimbursement can exceed
the actual amount expended nor the equivalent of the
cost of the passages described above.
28. All Marshall Scholars must apply for Entry
Clearance/visa before they arrive in the UK. The
Marshall Commission has special arrangements for
Scholars’ visa applications and information will be sent
once university admission has been secured. Passport-
related costs are not covered by the Commission.
29. In most cases, Scholars will be expected to travel to
Washington DC for orientation and then to the UK from
Washington DC as a group. Arrangements for the
domestic and transatlantic travel will be made by the
British Embassy in Washington. Scholars who for
special reasons obtain permission to make
independent travel arrangements must arrange to arrive
in time for the beginning of their academic studies and
will, on arrival in the UK, be reimbursed the cost of their
passage up to the permissible maximum indicated in
the paragraph above.
Candidates whose proposed courses have start dates in
early mid September should note that they might be
required to arrive in the UK before the orientation in
Washington DC.
30. The Commission has no responsibility for insurance
against sickness, accident, or death either for
candidates in the United States or for selected Scholars
travelling to or from or residing in the United Kingdom.
Although eligible for medical treatment in the United
Kingdom (see paragraph below), Scholars are advised
to maintain ongoing health insurance in the United
States during their period of tenure should they wish.
Scholars are also advised to make adequate
arrangements for insurance of personal possessions
when travelling and while residing in the United
31. Overseas students will pay a health tariff when
applying for their visa (this tariff will be paid on behalf of
Marshall Scholars) and will therefore be entitled to free
medical attention under the National Health Service
(NHS) while in the United Kingdom. They will be
required to register with a General Practitioner (GP) on
arrival. It is recommended that before arriving in the UK,
Scholars should meet any immunisation/vaccination
requirements given by the Universities as condition for
registration. It is also recommended that Scholars consult
with their US doctor about any ongoing medication they
will need access to, in case it is unavailable in the UK.
Please read the Health and Wellbeing section of the
Scholar Handbook for more information.
32. Scholarship stipends will be paid to Scholars in
quarterly instalments spread over the academic year, in
accordance with the directions of the Commission.
33. Scholars are strongly advised to take
advantage of university/college housing whenever
this is available. If Scholars choose to live
privately, it is recommended that Scholars wait until after
they arrive in the UK to finalise accommodation or sign
any agreements. Scholars should consult the
accommodation team at their UK university for any
queries about housing. The Commission cannot act as
a guarantor to secure private accommodation.
34. Married Scholars or those contemplating bringing
partners with them are advised that they will be
required to demonstrate additional funds to UKVI as part
of their visa application. UK government regulations
permit spouses/long term partners who are on a
dependant visa to undertake paid employment for the
duration of the award, and so the Commission
recommends that employment opportunities are
explored before arriving in the UK. More information can
be found here: www.gov.uk/student-visa/family-
35. Higher education in the United Kingdom is provided
in a wide variety of universities. A full list of institutions at
which Marshall Scholarships are tenable is outlined
below. However, in certain instances, awards may be
held at other institutions which offer degree courses in
partnership with and validated by a university.
36. Candidates are advised to research UK universities,
courses and course structures since programmes and
facilities vary from one institution to another. Some
programmes which are commonly available in the
universities and colleges of the United States may
not be found in British universities or may have
different requirements.
Candidates should ensure that they meet the
requirements of their proposed courses. This may
require contacting course leads, potential research
supervisors or university admissions teams for more
information, especially for PhD/DPhil applicants.
37. British students who enter university directly
following their secondary school (High School) education
will have spent at least the last two years largely
devoted to specialised preparation for their proposed
university programme, admission to which is by
competitive selection. In general they study (or "read")
for three or four years for a degree in one particular
subject, and do not cover the wide field of studies
usually required in American institutions. Marshall
Scholars choosing graduate programmes in the UK will
therefore find that a considerable measure of
specialised attainment is expected in their chosen
38. Applicants wishing to proceed to a doctoral degree
in a British university should know that such a degree
is obtained by undertaking a programme of supervised
research. A research student usually has to be
accepted on a personal basis by his/her department
head and is expected to carry out an approved
research project in consultation with a supervisor
appointed for the purpose. Many British universities do
not have separate graduate schools, and a research
student is expected to attend few, if any, regular
classes. The instruction is mostly individual and
supervisory. Candidates wishing to undertake research
should have specialised knowledge of a particular
discipline and some experience of original work in it. For
the humanities and social sciences many universities in
the UK will expect doctoral candidates
to have already completed a Masters degree.
39. As a PhD (or DPhil) degree takes a minimum of three
years of research, Marshall Scholars who do not already
have research experience are recommended to consider
a Master's degree. As almost all Scholars coming to the
UK have only a Bachelor's degree from their American
university, some may find it preferable to study for taught
Masters course, where this can be completed in one or
two years rather than a research based course.
40. The minimum period of study for a dental, medical or
veterinary science degree in the UK is five years; it is
therefore not possible to undertake clinical training in
these or equivalent subjects on a Marshall Scholarship.
41. It is suggested that candidates consult the following:
The UK Institutions section on the Marshall Scholarship
website www.marshallscholarship.org/apply/information/uk-
Marshall Scholarship Course Finder:
Detailed guides to postgraduate study giving
information on courses and research opportunities in
the UK: www.prospects.ac.uk/postgraduate-study
General information on studying in the UK,
undergraduate and postgraduate, is available
through the British Council website:
42. For full and detailed information about
courses and application procedures at
particular universities, candidates should
contact the Admissions Office of the relevant
British Universities
University of Aberdeen
University of Abertay Dundee
Aberystwyth University
Hartbury College
Harper Adams University
Heriot-Watt University
University of Hertfordshire
Northumbria University
Norwich University of the Arts
University of Nottingham
Nottingham Trent University
Anglia Ruskin University
University of the Highlands and
The Open University (Research
University of the Arts London -
degrees only)
Camberwell College of Art
University of Huddersfield
University of Oxford
Central St Martins College of Art and
University of Hull
Imperial College London
Oxford Brookes University
Plymouth University
Chelsea College of Art and Design
Keele University
University of Portsmouth
London College of Communication
University of Kent
Queen Margaret University
London College of Fashion
Wimbledon College of Art
Kingston University
Lancaster University
Queen's University of Belfast
Arts University Bournemouth
University of Leeds
University of Reading
Aston University
Leeds Beckett University
Robert Gordon University
Bangor University
Bath Spa University
Leeds College of Music
Leeds Trinity University
Roehampton University
Rose Bruford College
University of Bath
University of Leicester
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
University of Bedfordshire
University of Lincoln
Royal Agricultural University
University of Birmingham
Birmingham City University
University of Liverpool
Liverpool Hope University
Royal College of Art
Royal College of Music
Bishop Grosseteste University
Liverpool John Moores University
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
University of Bolton
University of London -
Royal Northern College of Music
Bournemouth University
University of Bradford
Birkbeck, University of London
City, University of London
Royal Welsh College of Music and
University of Brighton
Courtauld Institute of Art
University of St Andrews
University of Bristol
Goldsmiths, University of London
University of St Mark and St John
Brunel University
University of Buckingham
Heythrop College
The Institute of Cancer Research
St Mary’s University
University of Salford
Bucks New University
King's College London
University of Sheffield
University of Cambridge
London Business School
Sheffield Hallam University
Canterbury Christ Church University
Cardiff University
London School of Economics and
Political Science (LSE)
University of Southampton
Southampton Solent University
Cardiff Metropolitan University
London School of Hygiene and
University of South Wales
University of Central Lancashire
Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Staffordshire University
University of Chester
University of Chichester
Queen Mary, University of London
Royal Academy of Music
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
Coventry University
The Royal Central School of Speech
University of Suffolk
Cranfield University
and Drama
University of Sunderland
University for the Creative Arts
University of Cumbria
Royal Holloway, University of London
Royal Veterinary College
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
De Montfort University, Leicester
St George’s University of London
Swansea University
University of Derby
School of Advanced Studies
Teesside University
University of Dundee
Durham University
(comprised of the research institutes)
The School of Oriental and African
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music
and Drama
University of East Anglia
Studies (SOAS)
Ulster University
University of East London
University College London (UCL)
University of Wales Trinity St David
Edge Hill University
University of Edinburgh
London Academy of Music and
Dramatic Art
University of Warwick
University of West London
Edinburgh Napier University
London Metropolitan University
University of West of England, Bristol
University of Essex
London South Bank University
University of West of Scotland
University of Exeter
Falmouth University
Loughborough University
University of Manchester
University of Westminster
University of Winchester
University of Glasgow
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Wolverhampton
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow School of Art
Middlesex University
Newcastle University
University of Worcester
Wrexam Glyndwr University
University of Gloucestershire
Newman University
University of York
University of Greenwich
University of Northampton
York St John University
Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Other institutions at which Marshall Scholarships are tenable:
Architectural Association
Christie's Education
Sotheby's Institute of Art