Program Goal
Marshall Scholarships support young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom.
Candidates are invited to indicate two preferred universities, but interest in studying at universities outside
of London as well as the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge is particularly welcome. Each year
at least 40 students are selected as Marshall Scholars.
U.S. Citizen
College Seniors and Recent Graduates with a 3.7 GPA or higher.
Students who plan to study in a program offered at a UK institution.
Persons already studying for or holding a British degree or degree-equivalent
qualification are
eligible to apply for a Marshall Scholarship.
Crucial factors in the selection of Marshall Scholars include: A candidate’s
choice of course, choice of university, and academic and personal aptitude.
Applying with FSU
Applicants must be endorsed by an institution at which they have completed two years of full-time
undergraduate or postgraduate study. The Office of National Fellowships (ONF) supports all of Florida State
University’s Marshall Applicants. Assistance is offered in the form of individual student meetings to discuss
candidacy and project ideas, essay workshopping, and technical support. Material resources include Marshall
writing guides, sample Marshall essays, Marshall reference letter guides, and interview preparation. For more
information regarding the Marshall scholarship please contact:
Dr. Craig Filar
Director, ONF
The Office of National Fellowships
127 Honors Way
Phone: 850.644.7596
April June 28, 2023
Intent to participate window
August 16, 2023
@ 3:00PM
Campus deadline
Mid September
Candidates notified
Mid November
Finalist interviews
June 28, 2023 @ 3:00 PM
Priority pre-applications
Early Sept.
Candidates interviewed
Sept. 19 (?), @ 5:00 PM
National deadline
The Office of National Fellowships
127 Honors Way
Phone: 850.644.7596
Application Procedures
To access the Project Proposal form, please complete an Intent to Participate
form through Survey Monkey To be
considered for a Florida State University nomination. C
andidates must submit the names and email addresses of four
recommenders along with their best drafts of the application essays no later than 3 PM Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
FSU Marshall candidates must be endorsed by the university. Candidates must submit all application materials no
later than 3 PM on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. The campus deadline is a hard deadline. Incomplete applications
will not be considered for university endorsement after this date. A completed application includes a complete online
Marshall Application, four electronic Letters of Recommendation, and Official Transcripts (from all colleges attended).
Candidates are strongly encouraged to review the Rules for Candidates and Memorandum of Guidance
. All internal
application materials should conform to application guidelines determined by
the general Marshall Scholarships
Incomplete applications will not be considered by the Florida State University Marshall Faculty Committee. Any
questions or concerns about the on-line application procedures should be directed to the Office
of National
Fellowships. Your materials will be reviewed by a faculty committee comprised of former Marshall Scholars. Interviews
will be scheduled for mid-September for applicants who are considered strong candidates.